01. A fading effect to the select portions of an
image display can be done using the _________property
C. OpacityMask
02. Identify the object that is used to render
the geometrical shape with a particular fill or thickness.
A. BorderThickness
03. _______ is used to paint an area with an
A. ImageBrush
B. PictureBrush
C. SolidColorBrush
04. You can change the way the text is displayed
in a text control by using the ________property
B. TextFlip
C. Rotate
D. Style
05. Identify the property that is used to provide
a shadow effect on a text control
(A) RenderTransform
(B) SkewTransform
(C) TranslateTransform
(D) RotateTransform
06. The _____ is the
type of animation used to animate a UI control or a visual element through
multiple colors.
(A) PointAnimation
(B) ColorAnimation
(C) TransfromAnimation
(D) RGBAnimation
07. Which of the
following options is/are TRUE about Windows Phone 8 software specifications ?
To develop mobile
applications in Windows Phone 8, you need the following:
(A) Development Environment PC with Windows 8 or Windows 8
Pro OS
(B) Windows Phone SDK 8
A. Option A is TRUE
and option B is FALSE
B. Both the options
are TRUE
C. Both the options are FALSE
D. Option A is FALSE and option B is TRUE
08. Which of the following types of APIs availbale for Windows Phone 8 ?
1 . NET API for Windows Phone 8
2. Windows Phone 8 Runtime API
3. Win 32 and COM API for Windows Phone 8
A. 1,2
B. 2,3
C. 1,3
D. 1,2,3
09. There are which
of the following types of tiles are avaiblable ?
1. Primary Tile
2. Secondary Tile
3. Common Tile
A. 1,2
B. 2,3
C. 1,3
D. 1,2,3
10. Which of the following are the types of visual templates for Windows
Phone 8 apps ?
1. Flip Template
2. Iconic Template
3. Cycle Template
A. 1,2
B. 2,3
C. 1,3
D. 1,2,3
11. Launchers and Choosers provide which of the
following benefits to the developers ? (multiple choice)
A. Reusability of code
B. Easier and faster implementation of common tasks
C. Inconsistency in the implementation of common tasks that
adhere to Windows Phone framework standards.
D. All of the above.
12. Which of the following statement
related to Application Life Cycle are correct ?
A. When the app is launched, it is available
in the Running state.
B. When the app is deactivated, it usually gets into the
Tombstoned state.
C. When the user performs any high intensive resource
consuming tasks after deactivating an app, it goes into Dormant state
D. All of the above
13. Which of the following statement
related to the events associated with the Application Life Cycle are correct ?
A. The Launching event displays the
apps ?Home Page to the user.
B. When the user navigates away from the app by moving
forward or backward beyond the app first page or by launching another
application, it will lead to the Activated Event.
C. When the user
returns to the app at a later point in time, it will lead to the Deactivated
event of the app.
D. When the user navigates beyond the first page of the app,
it will lead to the Closing event of the app.
14. To enable the users to navigate backward and
forward in the app, Windows Phone 8 provides a structure known as a _______
(A) Stack Panel
(B)Back Stack
(C)Forward Stack
(D)Navigation Panel
15. The _____property is used to specify how the
image will be filled within a container area.
(A) Crop
(C) Clip
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